Lesson #4

Critters and Rodents will also go through your trash. This experience is never fun and is always gross. I live in the North East so my interaction with wild animals comes in the form of deer, raccoons, wild turkeys, chipmunks, squirrels (brazen animals), stray cats, gophers, groundhogs, pheasants, birds (finches, robins, cardinals, blue jays, peacocks etc.). Raccoons are no joke; their claws are no joke and they are smart, vicious critters.  We had to resort to a cinderblock to keep our lid secured because once the season changed, and it got warmer the local raccoon was able to squeeze into our garbage can (secured with a bungie cord) to enjoy his smorgasbord that was my compiled trash, then brought his leftovers to the driveway.  Not a problem when we had snow on the ground, but the second the season changed all the animals came looking for yummy snacks. Squirrels are also smart and ballsy so don’t think for a second they won’t take the food right off your table when you step away. Upstate and in the mountains, there are bears. I’ve seen bears walk up to a bar trash bin with no care for the groups of people nearby. Compliments of the internet, I’ve now seen videos of bears opening doors, refrigerators, cars, and getting comfortable on front porches. Bears are dangerous. Be careful.  There are ways to protect your trash from unwanted diners; bungie cords, locking lids, or I’ve heard blinking lights around your trash bin all night also works. Another is purchasing a large structure that holds and protects your bins from prying claws.  You can always hide your bins in your garage and get used to the smell of old, hot garbage. You have options, but just know that it’s a real thing and you’ve been warned. So, what did we learn?

  • Know your environment and what kind of wild animals live in it. Respect that.
  • Raccoons are no joke. Squirrels are smart. Bears are dangerous. Respect that.
  • Be smarter about your garbage routine unless you enjoy being the clean-up crew.
  • Animal proof your bins overnight with bricks, bungie cords, motion lights, a locking lid – find what works for you.