
Our Approach


I’m a married 30-something, native New Yorker, ICC Certified Amateur Chef, Gardener, Home Owner, Dog Lover, Event Planner, A Real 'Bull in a China Shop' kinda lady, A Traveling bundle of Nerves, Honest Micro-Manager & Self Aware Over-Eater.


This is a series of topics which apply to a lot of things you learn while 'adulting'. Sometimes things are learned at a young age, and some things you learn about with an eyeroll and a deep breath. Everything is inspired by personal experiences and those of close friends and the eventual paid professional. Appreciate help and know your skills.

Our Story


I’m a terrible student who wants to learn mostly everything. Through formal training, personal experience, absolute failures, supportive friends, insane family and the internet I've been able to learn, sometimes the hard way, what's my best way to live life. It's important to recognize how there are lessons in everyday happenings because adulting doesn't come with a guide, until now.