Lesson #1

It never ends, and it’s always something… but it’s the challenges that make life worth it.  Right? This was said by someone who is rationalizing a mess. I find myself grateful for being a homeowner in the digital age.  We have the internet which single handedly micromanages how we live our lives. There is literally a video for your search to teach you how to acquire a new skill.   Most times, I learn the hard way and there has been a crushing cost that comes when things are beyond my realm of knowledge for repair, and it’s been annoyingly consistent.  So, to find a way to do it myself is an incredible accomplishment.  BUT.  As much as this feeling of accomplishment is satisfying so is the reality of learning our first lesson; knowing your skills and, knowing when to wave the white flag and call your guy.  I still cannot lift or install a hot water heater, and I’m fine with it